Yesterday I went to the Elliott School in Putney with my choir for the Mayor's Carol Concert!!!We sang God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen in front of more than 300 people!We were the biggest single school choir there with over 60 children.I say single school because there was also a 3/4 Vocal strategy group which was five children from each of the choirs or dance groups all joined together.They sang Dona Nobis and Winter Wonderland.Our five from allfarthing were Emily,Oscar and Nick from my class and Tallulah and Shaehroz from the other.It was fantastic being up there and I felt so proud of myself when we were up.There was St Anne's school and they did a dance routine with cartwheels and breakdancing in it!We left straight from school 15 minutes early at 3:15 and we didn't finish the show until 8:30!We had to eat dinner there and I taught my friend Lara how to play Concentration.Finally we went home and I got my name in the programme!
P.S It was fun going there ,we got to go on a GIGANTIC coach.